Wednesday, December 25, 2013

WAMP PID 4 Port 8 busy


If you are on Windows 7 and WAMP is not working.You have closed SKYPE, changed its default ports etc, and any other related software which can possibly use port 80, and still WAMP doesn't start. Specifically Apache.

A little bit of Goggling can tell you that Port 80 is taken by Windows 7, Pid 4 in Task Manager, further you can find out that its a system process and it cannot be killed.

I found that there is service named http.sys which captures  port 80 on start-up and it needed to be stopped in order to release port 80.

It has to be disabled through REGEDIT, following are the steps for the same,

  1. Launch regedit, run-> type regedit
  2. Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP
  3. Locate Start
  4. Change the value to 4 which means disabled.
  5. Restart your system.
  6. Now your WAMP should work.


Anshumaan Bakshi

Monday, December 23, 2013

ERROR 2006 (HY000) at line 8245: MySQL server has gone away


If you are trying to import an SQL file through command line on windows and you get this error message

ERROR 2006 (HY000) at line 8245: MySQL server has gone away

then you need to open your my.cnf or my.ini and update as

max_allowed_packet = 3000M

more than the size of the file you are trying to import, like I was trying to import a 2.2 GB file.

Anshumaan Bakshi