Friday, June 28, 2024

Solved: What to do when your Taskbar disappears on Windows 11 ?? / Refresh Windows 11 Taskbar

 Hello All,

Just noticed the Taskbar disappeared on my Windows 11 Laptop for some reason this morning.

From my XP times I knew there was a command to refresh the Taskbar via command prompt. But I was not able to recall the command, so I started to google. I found a quick way of doing it.

Documenting the same in following points for future use and assisstence to anyone who requires it.

  1. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc to bring up Task Manager.
  2. On the Task Manager Window, find Windows Explorer under Process Tab. If the Process tab is sorted then it would be very last process.
  3. Select the process Windows Explorer, right click on it and select restart.

Above steps should resolve the issue for sure, if not then a system restart will be required.


Anshumaan Bakshi

Thursday, December 31, 2020

SOLVED : boAt Airdopes 131 Bluetooth Headset Windows 10 Connection issue


I received my new boAt Airdopes 131 Bluetooth Headset on the 31st of December 2020. They were working fine and seamlessly connected to any mobile device. 

But when I tried to connect it with my laptop, a Windows 10 Dell it was able to connect but my laptop was not accepting it as an audio device. Although it was showing as connected but for some reason as a peripheral device. Check the attached image 

boAt Airdopes 131 Bluetooth Headset Windows 10 Connection issue

The options as displayed in the above box was missing.

I searched the net for a solution and mostly found a similar kind of problem with Apple Airpods. And because I got no other solution so I started to troubleshoot with what I had. So, tried the following 3 prominent solutions.

  1. Remove the device and add it once again, switch on and off the Bluetooth service and try again. Restarting of course
  2. Uninstall and reinstall the driver for the Bluetooth device.
  3. Add on an entry in RegEdit as Value 24 so that the connected Bluetooth device is never disconnected.

I tried all the above and no joy. As none were addressing the main issue of the device was not recognized as an audio device.

I did some R&D on my own and resolved this issue. 

And I would like to see if someone else is facing a similar problem or not. 

Please post one comment on this post and I will post the complete solution with process screenshots. 


Anshumaan Bakshi

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Excel Time Formula! Show 30 min as 0.50


Recently, I wanted to convert time in numbers in a way, so that

  • 30 mins will be shown as 0.50 
  • 1 hour as1.00
  • And 1.45 as 1.75 
The requirement is to record my time spent and find out how much it is in numbers. After reviewing the problem for some time and searching on the net, I found if a number is in proper time format and if multiplied by 24 then we can get a number equivalent as I want it to be. But need to make sure the resulting cell is in number format. 

Like 1:15 * 24  = 1.25 

Following is a screenshot of my actual worksheet for everyone's reference.

Anshumaan Bakshi

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Joomla SEF URL Problems [SOLVED 404 Error]

Hello Everyone, 

Recently my team and I worked and delivered a small Joomla website. After the site went live, I turned ON the SEF URL from the backend. But the URLs was still non-search engine friendly. I started to troubleshoot, finally, it started to work. I decided to document the steps through which it worked for me and the following are the steps. My intent is to educate.

Please note,
  • These steps are for an Ubuntu machine running Apache2 and I am using Joomla  3.X
  • Application is hosted at folder /var/www/html/JoomlaApp/
  • Demo URL for my site will be

Preliminary checks or requirements 

  1. MOD_REWRITE: Very first step is to make sure mod_rewrite is enabled. By use of phpinfo(); one can verify if it is enabled or not. If it does not then use the command
    sudo a2enmod rewrite and then restart the web server.

  2. Rename htaccess.txt: Joomla provides its users with a default htacess.txt file. In order to enable SEF URL's this file needs to be renamed to .htaccess

  3.  Apache Configurations: The apache configuration needs to change so that it allows URL rewrites. I made changes for both HTTP & HTTPS configuration that is port 80 & 443.
    1. /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
      • <VirtualHost *:80>
      • ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
      •         DocumentRoot /var/www/html
      •         <Directory "/var/www/html">
      •         AllowOverride All
      •         </Directory>
    2. /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf
      • <VirtualHost _default_:443>
      •          ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
      •         DocumentRoot /var/www/html
      •         <Directory "/var/www/html">
      •         AllowOverride All
      •         </Directory>

  4. Joomla Admin Configuration change
    1. Log into Joomla Admin console
    2. Go to System > Global Configuration  
    3. Locate SEO Settings and set the Use URL Rewriting option to Yes

As per Joomla documentation, the above steps should enable the SEF URL for your website, if it doesn't work then follow are the troubleshooting steps.

  1. Apache Configuration: As a habit, I copied the AllowOverride All code directly from the net and pasted it on the Apache configuration file. Which was a mistake. Apache configuration is very particular about the double quotes. "".  Hence please type it, do not copy paste it.

  2.  I made the following changes to my .htaccess file.
    1. Uncommented       # RewriteBase /      to        RewriteBase /

    2. My Joomla application exists inside another directory, like /var/www/html/JoomlaApp/. So I made the following change on Rewite Base
      1. RewriteBase /JoomlaApp/

    3. Added following piece of code after RewriteEngine On
      • ## Mod_rewrite in use.

      • RewriteEngine On
      • RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
      • RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]

    4. Finally added following line of code at the very end of the file.
      • RedirectMatch 301 ^/index.php/(.*)$$1

  3. Another change I made was to the configurations.php file. I initialized the Live site variable as following, I am not sure, how helpful this particular change was, but it is there in the mix.
    • var $live_site = ''; 

With all the above changes, the URL SEF for Joomla started to work for me. Please feel free to ask me any questions.

Anshumaan Bakshi

Friday, June 17, 2016

AWS EC2 Apache File upload and move issue [RESOLVED]

Hello Everyone,

If you have purchased a fresh new instance on AWS which runs RHEL 7+.

And you are running PHP based application and trying to upload a file and also to move the uploaded file from tmp folder to a desired folder using. PHP functions like

copy() or move_uploaded_file() 

Now while trying to achieve above you are getting permissions errors and warnings.

You have tried everything like giving all folder permission  as 777 and made Apache the user and group owner for every file and directory under /var/www/html. And if still no joy then my friend you are a victim of SELinux.

I banged my head for hours figuring  why this simple and straight forward is not working. Finally found RHEL 7+ got SELinux installed and enabled by default. And SELinux blocks Apache to move files irrespective it is part of the same group as the folder permissions are set.

So you have same issue then start by checking if it is enabled by command:


The first row will say the status of SELinux, if enabled it will say enabled. And if it is enabled then most probably the reason for Apache not able to move files.

For fixing the issue just need to disable it, open the config file for SELinux:

vi /etc/selinux/config

And find a variable named SELINUX and set it as 


I tried SELINUX=permissive but no joy with it.

Then need to restart the system to take effect. Following works well on AWS.

shutdown -r now 

After restarting it did resolved the problem.

I did server hardening like, Permissions and ownership's I changed,  I changed them back and checked once again and everything worked well.

Do check and let me know in comments if any other issue you faced,

Anshumaan Bakshi